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Capitals Archive
    I collect mostly Washington Capitals games. My main focus is games from 2005-06 to present, particularly 2005-2010, but I’m also interested in games from before then. Simplest way I can put it is from 2005 and onward I’m interested in pretty much any game I don’t have, before 2005 I prefer wins or bigger games.

Capitals games are my main focus, but from my list of games I have you can probably see I collect more than just that. I like having a diverse collection and I’m down for smaller trades with other games I don’t have.
    I have a much more detailed list of what I’m looking for farther down the page, but for a quick version here’s a general overview of what I look for in trades:
    - I need to see a list of your games before we trade.
    - I’m only interested in games with English commentary.
    - Games not on my want list need to be VHS/DVD/similar quality.
    - I am not interested in DVD quality or lower for games after the 2011-12 season. I only want HD for the 2013 season and later.
    - For games in the 2017-18 and later, I’m only interested in games that are the Capitals/national feed in 720p quality at 60 fps.

I have a complete list of games I want in my Want List with details on what specific details I am looking for, but here are a few games that I am looking for the most:
    1. Penguins @ Capitals - February 7, 2010. I have this game but I really want an HD (or good DVD) copy.
    2. Hurricanes @ Capitals - October 7, 2006
    3. Lightning @ Capitals - March 27, 2009
    4. Capitals @ Senators - November 8, 2007 (Need CSN/Capitals feed)
    5. Capitals @ Bruins - February 2, 2010
    6. Maple Leafs @ Capitals - October 3, 2009
    7. Rangers @ Capitals - November 11, 2006
    8. Capitals @ Bruins - November 18, 2006
    9. Capitals @ Lightning - March 27, 2008
     10. Flyers @ Capitals - December 16, 2006

Trading policy update as of October 2022:
    - I used to be a little more open in trades, but I have come to realize that some games just aren’t worth it for me to get. In order to make sure games I get match the quality criteria of people I trade with I had to make some changes. This way I am not trading for games that cannot be used in a trade.
    - If you are contacting me for a trade, I will need to see a list of all of your games. If you have a Goal Line page you can just link that (as long as it is up to date). If you don’t, a spreadsheet, PDF, Word document, or including a list in the email body works. I prefer a list in a separate document, but as long as I get a list of some kind I’m usually fine with that.
    - The one scenario that I don’t need to see a list for is if you are sending me a game on my want list that meets the quality criteria. I still would like to see a list (I may prefer a different game if you have multiple on my want list), but if I am getting a game I specifically want I’ll usually go through with a trade without needing to see a list.
    I usually give the benefit of the doubt to people as far as quality goes, but if I receive games in poorer quality than I am anticipating I will start asking for samples or more technical details before trades, and if I am still receiving bad games after that I may stop trading with you. If you follow the general guidelines below you should be fine.

Games not on my want list:
    If you want to trade me a game not on my want list, it should be in decent condition. Since I’m really not looking for games not on my want list from after the 2009-10 season, if the game is a DVD recording of a TV broadcast that is usually good enough for me. Even if you don’t have a physical copy of the DVD, a disk image (.iso or other) or original VIDEO_TS folder should work. I prefer those much more to a MP4 other converted version. Other than DVD recordings, I may be a little more critical. Poorly converted games don’t interest me. If a game is not on DVD, a game should meet at least some of these standards:
    - Be 480p or higher in resolution.
    - Be either 29.97 or 59.94 frames per second (30 and 60 work too). 23.976 fps, 24 fps, 25 fps, etc. conversions do not look good and to quote someone I trade with “doesn’t look like real video”. No game I am interested in was broadcast in those other frame rates so if your copy is like that it means it’s missing over half the frames in the original video and it will look jittery.

Games on my want list:
    For games on my want list I am a little more relaxed on quality requirements. But just because a game is on my want list doesn’t mean I will accept anything. Some games I want have specific things I want about them, so make sure to check the details tab of games on my want list. Since this list includes games from after the 2009-10 season, I will again mention that any games from 2013 or later need to be minimum 720p, and any games from 2017-18 or later also need to be 59.94/60 fps.

Examples of games I no longer accept:
    - Games not in English. Nothing against people who primarily speak other languages being able to watch NHL games in a language they understand, I just don’t want any recordings of those broadcasts. Lots of reasons for this. 1 - I speak English. 2 - foreign language games often have weird video/loss of quality from the NTSC to PAL conversion. 3 - The few foreign language games I have essentially never get asked for from other people and just take up space on my hard drive. The one exception to this rule is non-Capitals games from French-Canadian broadcasts.
    - For the most part, I don’t want any more games from before the year 1980. The reasoning for this is the same as a lot of my other “no-go’s” - no one I go to for games wants them. If you feel a game is particularly rare and in good shape (i.e. a DVD/VHS recording of a game that hasn’t been converted into another format like .mp4 or .mov) I might consider, but if it’s just a low quality version of a 3rd generation VHS recording I’m not interested.
    - Games that have been converted poorly. I understand that some older games on VHS and other formats may not be in the greatest shape, but poor conversions can ruin them. Bad de-interlacing, incorrect frame rates, downscaling, bad compression, and other issues affect many games converted from VHS or DVD. Not saying it’s impossible - I convert many games from DVD to MP4 in order to make highlight videos - but the honest truth is most people don’t know how to convert their games correctly. I recommend this video from "The Oldskool PC" on YouTube to understand what I mean by converting games correctly.

Other links:
    Primary YouTube Channel
    Secondary YouTube Channel

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