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    I am a Cleveland and Chicago sports fan. I am trying collect as many games involving the Browns, Indians/Gaurdians, Cavs, Bears, Cubs, White Sox, Bulls games. I am also collecting Ohio State and Notre Dame football.
    I also am working on getting as many NFL playoff games and Super Bowls. College Bowl games. Rose, Orange, Fiesta, Sugar, Cotton and National Championship games.
    I DO NOT sell games.
    6-6.9= Poor condition. Usually a rare copy and the only one in existence. Recommended for the die hard fan, and really wants a copy no matter the condition.
    7-7.9= Fair. Some minor issues like color bleed, traction, audio buzzing etc. Usually an older game that was transferred from a VHS copy. Still in watchable condition.
    8-8.9 = Good. Near perfect condition.
    9-10 = Perfect condition. More recent games that are perfect digital HD copies from a master source.

100  Collections
290,084  Items
2019  AAF (Full)
1967-1976  ABA (Full)
1960-1969  AFL (Full)
2015-Present  CFL (Full)
2014-2022  FIFA World Cup
1960-Present  MLB (Full)
1959-Present  NBA (Full)
1960-Present  NFL (Full)
1959-Present  NHL (Full)
1960-Present  NCAAFB (Full)
1985-Present  NCAAM Tourney
1983-Present  USFL (Full)
1972-1979  WHA (Full)
2001-Present  XFL (Full)
 Today (11/23/2024): 0
 This Year (2024): 45336
 Last 365 Days: 49962

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