Here are the details for the item you just selected.
Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1986-1987
Date: 4/16/1987
League/Sport: NHL
Event: Smythe Division Semifinals Game 6
Visitors: Calgary Flames
Home: Winnipeg Jets
Location: Winnipeg Arena
Network: CBC
Commercials: Partly Edited
Pregame: Partial
Halftime: Partial
Postgame: Partial
Type: Transfer from VHS
Comments: Winnipeg -- where the "white out" originated, as you can see in this game. ... Has some intermission cut-ins of Leafs-Blues and Nords-Whalers. Switches to MSG postgame.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments:
Grade: 8.5 (VG+)
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email ellgee
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