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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1990-1991
Date: 1/20/1991
League/Sport: NFL
Event: NFC Championship
Visitors: New York Giants (NFL)
Home: San Francisco 49ers
Location: Candlestick Park
Network: CBS
Commercials: Unknown
Pregame: Unknown
Halftime: Unknown
Postgame: Unknown
Type: Master
Comments: The Giants end the 49ers reign as champs and essentially knock Joe Montana out of the Bay area with a crushing hit!
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 4
Format Comments: have a couple of versions, one master version comlete on 4 dvd`s and the other 3 dvd`s with extras and very nice with CBS postgame and ESPN Sportscenter.
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email emmitt40
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