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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 2012
Date: 10/26/2012
League/Sport: CFL League Highlights
Event: Engraved on a Nation, Playing a Dangerous Game
Visitors: -
Home: -
Network: TSN
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: Not Applicable
Halftime: Not Applicable
Postgame: Not Applicable
Type: Recorded from SD Source
Comments: As tensions heightened during the Quebec FLQ conflict in 1969, CFL commissioner Jake Gaudaur not only planned to hold the Grey Cup in Montreal for the first time since 1931, but he invited the FLQ’s arch-enemy, Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Elliot Trudeau, to perform the ceremonial kick-off at the beginning of the game.
Format: MP4
# of discs/tapes: 1
Format Comments:
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email Mallard
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