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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1988-1989
Date: 12/31/1988
League/Sport: NFL
Event: AFC Divisional Playoff
Visitors: Seattle Seahawks
Home: Cincinnati Bengals
Location: Riverfront
Network: New Network
Length: 4:10
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: Unknown
Halftime: Unknown
Postgame: Partial
Type: Original Broadcast
Comments: A very clean broadcast. The Bengals jump up early and hold on as the Seahawks battle back after being down 21-0 at the half. 13 points in the 4th quarter make it close but the hawks cannot convert in the 4th quarter when needed.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 4
Format Comments: 16.5 GB King-5 broadcast.
Grade: B+
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email Chiefstands
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