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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1995-1996
Date: 10/28/1995
League/Sport: NCAA Football
Event: Regular Season
Visitors: USC Trojans
Home: Washington Huskies
Location: Husky Stadium
Network: ABC
Length: 2:50:44
Commercials: Partly Edited
Pregame: Partial
Halftime: Partial
Postgame: None
Type: Original Broadcast
Comments: "The Battle in Seattle" UW 5-2 ranked 17th. USC 6-1 ranked 13th. UW is off probation and Rose Bowl eligible. Washington jumps up 21-0 but USC scores 21 in the 4th quarter and the game ends in a tie.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 2
Format Comments: Antenna wave issue first half but goes away as the sun goes down. Highly watchable.
Grade: B
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email Chiefstands
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