Here are the details for the item you just selected.
Year/Season: |
1935 |
Date: |
9/24/1935 |
League/Sport: |
Boxing |
Event: |
Non Title Fight |
Visitors: |
Max Baer |
Home: |
The Brown Bomber Joe Louis |
Location: |
Yankee Stadium, New York, New York |
Network: |
Blackhawk Films |
Length: |
21mins. |
Commercials: |
Unknown |
Pregame: |
Unknown |
Halftime: |
Unknown |
Postgame: |
Unknown |
Type: |
Converted from Internet MP4 |
Comments: |
Louis won by KO in the 4th round. The Ring 1935 Fight of the Year. The two big punchers landed many big blows at each other. |
Format: |
# of discs/tapes: |
1 |
Format Comments: |
Black & white. No comment. Crowd noise. |
Grade: |
8.0 |
Own/Want: |
Own |
Email: |
Email Silver&Black60 |
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