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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1993-1994
Date: 12/12/1993
League/Sport: NFL
Event: Regular Season Wk: 15
Visitors: Dallas Cowboys
Home: Minnesota Vikings
Location: Minneapolis, MN - HHH Metrodome
Network: CBS
Commercials: Not Applicable
Pregame: None
Halftime: None
Postgame: None
Type: Satellite feed
Comments: The Vikes come out controlling the ball and dominating to an extent but then the Cowboys wake up as it becomes the Emmitt/Irvin show as Smith runs for 104 yards and a TD while Irvin catches 8 balls for 125 yards and a TD, for a 37-20 victory. This is Dallas` first visit to Minny in a decade. Pat Summerall and John Madden on the call.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: (Satellite/truck feed) Just a touch below being EX as there`s some bit of roughness around figures otherwise it`s almost fully top notch.
Grade: Very Good/Excellent
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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