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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 2003-2004
Date: 6/3/2004
League/Sport: NHL
Event: Stanley Cup Finals Game 5
Visitors: Calgary Flames
Home: Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: Tampa, Florida - St. Pete Times Forum
Network: ABC
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: None
Halftime: None
Postgame: None
Type: Converted From VHS Master
Comments: Flames win 3-2 in OT, on Oleg Saprykin`s 1st playoff goal.<\pr>Gary Thorne and Bill Clement on the call.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: Converted Directv SP/VHS Master The first 15-20 seconds of the OT are from CBC, merged with the original ABC recording.
Grade: 9.0
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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