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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1990-1991
Date: 10/7/1990
League/Sport: NFL
Event: Sunday Night Football
Visitors: Los Angeles Raiders
Home: Buffalo Bills
Location: Orchard Park, New York - Rich Stadium
Network: TNT
Commercials: All
Pregame: Partial
Halftime: Complete
Postgame: Partial
Type: Converted From VHS Master
Comments: The Bills, on Sunday Night Football, trailed 24–14 in the fourth quarter before erupting to 24 points to defeat the then-unbeaten Los Angeles Raiders, 38–24. Among the fourth quarter scores were a blocked punt returned by J.D. Williams and a fumble return by Nate Odomes.

Skip Caray and Pat Haden on the call.

Format: DVD+R
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: Very watchable picture and has all Commercials and Halftime and partial Pregame and Postgame.
Grade: 8.2
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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