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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1986-1987
Date: 11/23/1986
League/Sport: NFL
Event: Regular Season
Visitors: Green Bay Packers
Home: Chicago Bears
Location: Chicago, Illinois - Soldier Field
Network: New Network
Length: 3:01:06
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: None
Halftime: Unknown
Postgame: None
Type: Original Broadcast
Comments: VHS Master quality, Very good picture. This is the game where Jim McMahon gets slammed to the turf by Charles Martin resulting in an ejection from Jerry Markbreit. Martin was suspended for two games as a result. Current state would have resulted in a season long suspension. Extremely dirty play.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: 11.4 GB - Tim Ryan and Johnny Morris on the call.
Grade: B+
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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