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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 1998-1999
Date: 9/13/1998
League/Sport: NFL
Event: Regular Season Wk: 02
Visitors: Dallas Cowboys
Home: Denver Broncos
Location: Denver, CO - Mile High Stadium
Network: Fox
Commercials: All
Pregame: None
Halftime: Complete
Postgame: Partial
Type: Converted from VHS
Comments: Dallas Cowboys 23 Denver Broncos 42 Terrell Davis` 191 rushing yards and 3 TD`S, as well as John Elway`s 268 passing yards and 2 TD`S (One of them rushing) help the Broncos demolish Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman and the Dallas Cowboys. Pat Summerall and John Madden on the call.
Format: DVD-R
# of discs/tapes: 3
Format Comments: KFDW-4 (FOX - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas) feed. Includes Commercials, Halftime and Most of the Postgame.
Grade: 8.8
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email thacozzman
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