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Detail Information...
Year/Season: 2008
League/Sport: MLB Misc Programs
Visitors: N/A
Home: N/A
Network: Fox Sports Net
Commercials: Removed/None
Pregame: Not Applicable
Halftime: Not Applicable
Postgame: Not Applicable
Type: Recorded from SD Source
Comments: Highlights the dominant pitchers of baseball`s Golden Era, capped by the dominant 1968 season, that included Bob Gibson, Don Drysdale, Whitey Ford, Juan Marichal. An era marked by inside pitching and complete games. Also highlights baseball`s lost stadiums which were filled with quirks, and the kings of the New York Giants.
Format: DVD
# of discs/tapes: 1
Format Comments:
Grade: 9.5
Own/Want: Own
Email: Email Z3Roadstar
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